The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
이 책을 언젠가, 인터넷 어디에선가 알게 되었다. Personal Finance 책 치고 (보통 너무 쉽고, 기본적이고, 유치하고 좀 손발이 오그라드는것이 특징) 꽤 괜찮다는 평을 읽으면서였다. 내가 은퇴 후 하고 싶은 것은, personal financial coaching인데, 그 때 써먹기 위한 것들 - finance를 잘 모르는 사람들에게 쉽게 설명하고 다가가는 방법, 사람들에게 잘 와닿는 것들이 무엇인지, 사람들이 보통 무슨 이야기를 듣고 싶어하는지, 사람들이 어떤 점을 모르는지 등 - 배우기 위해서 읽었다.
돈 주고 사긴 싫어서 도서관에서 빌리려고 대기를 걸어놨고, 몇 달 후 내 차례가 되어서 읽게 되었다.
내가 인터넷에서 읽은 평처럼, personal finance 책 치고는 괜찮은 책이었다.
나중에 써먹기 위해, 책의 키 포인트를 아래에 정리합니다.
1. Go out of your way to find humility when things are going right and forgiveness/compassion when they go wrong.
Luck and risk are both real and hard to identify. do so when judging both yourself and others. Respect the power of luck and risk and you will have a better chance of focusing on things you can actually control.
2. Less ego, more wealth
wealth is created by suppressing what you could buy today in order to have more options in the future
3. Manage your money in a way that helps you sleep at night.
reasonable, not rational(or rational in the whole picture of your life, as Marsh put it)
4. If you want to do better as an investor, the single most powerful thing you can do is to increase your time horizon.
5. Become OK with a lot of things going wrong. You can be wrong half the time and still make a forture
(like angel investments)
6. Use money to gain control over time
yes yes yes! I want my retirement :)
7. Be nicer and less flashy
No one is impressed with your possessions as much as you are.
8. Save. Just save. You don't need a specific reason to save.
9. Define the cost of success and be ready to pay it.
Uncertainty, doubt, and regret are common costs in the financ world and they are often worth paying.
10. Worship room for error
11. Avoid the extreme ends of financial decisions
12. Define the game you're playing.
and make sure your actions are not influenced by people playing a different game.