
  • Ultimate Sun and Shade Perennial Garden, 190 Plants
    즐겁고 행복한 미국 생활/House Plants & Landscaping 2021. 4. 14. 01:06

    대망의 구매 아이템!

    Bulbs 가 무려 190개나 들어있는 콜렉션!!!!!

    엄청 야심차게 샀지만 (사실 사기 전에도 살까말까 엄청 고민했는데, 마셔리가 엄청나게 부추겼다!) 사고 나니 과연 이걸 다 심을 수 있는 공간이 있을지 엄청 고민이다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    아마도 심고 남은 건 시어머니한테 보내드려야 할 것 같다. 너무 많아 ㅠㅠ

    This collection of 190 plants includes time tested favorites of both sun and shade perennials. Ideal for starting new perennial beds or adding to your already existing garden. Enjoy hostas, ferns, astilbes and bleeding hearts for shady areas. And for sunny borders, the collection consists of phlox, lilies, daylilies and peonies. Each plant includes detailed information to make planting and planning your ultimate perennial garden easy! All plants ship as dormant roots and bulbs.


      • 8 Fern 'Leatherwood', #1
      • 15 Phlox 'David', #1
      • 30 Lilium 'Stargazer', 16/18cm
      • 30 Lilium 'Casa Blanca', 16/18cm
      • 4 Clematis 'Jackmanii', 1yr
      • 30 Daylily 'Fragrant Returns', #1
      • 15 Hosta 'Sum & Substance', #1
      • 10 Hosta 'Minuteman', #1
      • 15 Dicentra 'Bleeding Heart', 2-3 eyes
      • 3 Peony 'Black Beauty', 2-3 eyes
      • 6 Peony ' Sarah Bernhardt' , 2-3 eyes
      • 24 Astilbe 'Astilbe Mix', 2-3 eyes



    • Type: Perennials, Roots and Bulbs
    • Quantity / What: 190 plants, Size: Varies
    • USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8
    • Light Needs: Full Sun to Full Shade, Each plant will be marked with appropriate bloom time
    • Water Needs: Normal
    • Flowering Season: Summer through Fall, Each plant will be marked with bloom time
    • Flower Color: Assorted
    • Growth Habit: Varied
    • Mature Height: 12"-48"
    • Mature Spread: Varies by plant
    • Special Features: Perennials for sun and shade
    • Landscape Uses: Borders, Perennial beds

    Planting Tips & Instructions
    Detailed instructions are included in box. Please refer to planting guide. Note: that some perennials use the first year to establish their roots and may not flower until the second year. Once these plants are established, they will bloom for many years to come.



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