[비지니스 영어] Quick and Dirty, 30,000 foot view, Pencil In고급레벨 영어공부/비지니스 영어 2021. 5. 17. 07:18
더 자세한 설명은 아래 영상에서 참고하세요 :)
Quick and Dirty
[Definition] done or produced hastily
빠르고 간편하게 한, 약식으로 한
This is a web tool that generates a quick-and-dirty flowchart from text.
The quick and dirty on online dating
A quick and dirty guide to the new legislation
Quick and dirty Covid tests which take five minutes to conduct, but produce a false positive rate of 10 per cent, can help end the weariness.
Don't rely on it too much. It was just a quick and dirty assessment we pulled together during the meeting.
Back of the envelop/napkin (calculation, analysis, etc.), makeshift (임시변통, 미봉책)
the 30,000 foot view
보통 1,000이나 30,000을 많이 쓰는데, 숫자는 크게 상관없음
회사일의 big picture (큰 그림)이나 디테일을 생략한 개괄
We expect director-level employees to maintain the 30,000 foot view and establish strong strategies.
다양한 형태로 사용
This is the view from 30,000 feet.
Here's the 30,000 foot overview.
This is what I think at 30,000 feet.
Pencil In
If an event or appointment is pencilled in, it has been agreed that it should take place, but it will have to be confirmed later.
나중에 바뀔 수도 있지만, 일단 계획해두다, 잡아놓다
I think she is planning to take her vacation around that time, but I will pencil you in.
He told us that the tour was pencilled in for the following March.
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