
  • 고급영어단어 24. Vindicate와 Vindictive
    고급레벨 영어공부/고급영어단어 2024. 5. 10. 04:00


    Vindicate라는 단어를 처음으로 배운 건, 대학교에서 영문학을 전공할 때였다.

    매우매우 유명한 페미니즘 고전 중

    18세기에 쓰인 Mary Wollstonecraft 의 A Vindication of the Rights of Women을 읽었을 때였다.


    Vindicate 의 뜻은;

    v. to clear from all blame or suspicion; to justify


    네이버 사전에는 아래와 같이 정의한다

    • 1.Verb (특히 남들은 달리 생각할 때) …의 정당성을 입증하다 (=justify)
    • 2.Verb (혐의를 받고 있는 사람의) 무죄를 입증하다[혐의를 벗기다]

    (오랜만에 한국말 정의도 잘 쓰여진 단어네요)


    혐의를 쓴 사람이 주어라면 수동태의 형태로 쓰입니다

    someone was vindicated

    원형으로 쓰려면, 혐의를 벗겨주는 것이 주어가 됩니다

    a corroborated evidence vindicated him

    Multiple new discoveries vindicated their theory


    Word Smart 책에 쓰인 이해하기 위해 쉽게 쓰여진 예문은:

    George, having been accused of stealing money from the cash register, was vindicated when the store manager counted the money again and found that none was missing after all.

    Tom's claim of innocence appeared to be vindicated when several dozen inmates at the state mental hospital confessed to the crime of which he had been accused.


     명사로는 vindication

    to find vindication = to be vindicated





    이번엔 vindicate와 굉장히 비슷하게 생긴 vindictive에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.

    vindictive는 vindicate의 형용사처럼 생겼지만

    전혀 다른 뜻을 가진 다른 단어입니다.

    저는 항상 헷갈려서, 포스팅에 뚜렷한 구분을 설명하기 위해 추가합니다 :)



    adj. seeking revenge

    앙심을 품은, 보복을 하려는의 뜻을 가졌습니다.


    Jeremy apologized for denting the fender of my car, but I was feeling vindictive, so I filed a $2 million lawsuit against him.

    Samanth's vindictive ex-husband drove all the way across the country just to put a stink bomb in her car.



    vocabulary.com 에서 가져온 예문 몇 가지를 보고 포스팅을 마칩니다.


    Still, Picasso believed in his vision, and he believed that the future would vindicate him.

    Trouble arose only when authors used their stories to vindicate themselves against a great hurt or perceived injustice.

    In many ways, I felt vindicated for all of the naysayers in my life, who had made me feel that, because of my race or my religion, I would never find success.



    Fear and anger can make us vindictive and abusive, unjust and unfair, until we all suffer from the absence of mercy and we condemn ourselves as much as we victimize others.

    If Rufus was vindictive enough, he could surely have the man killed.

    Social networking fuels the growth of vindictive "flash mobs" which ambush innocent columnists such as Jan Moir.





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