
  • 8/30/2021 오늘 찾아본 단어
    고급레벨 영어공부/고급영어단어 2021. 8. 31. 01:30

    놀러갔다 온 다음에, 조금 아팠고 (사실 놀러가기 전부터 살짝 아팠는데 놀고 싶어서 꾹 참았다가 한꺼번에 터짐 ㅋㅋㅋ), 집안일하느라 시간이 많이 없어서 책을 많이 읽지 못했다.

    오늘의 단어들은: 어제 New Yorker 매거진을 읽으면서 몰라서 찾아본 단어 + 여기다가 적으면 좋을 것 같아서 적어둔 단어들이다.


    첫 4 단어는 아프간 정부에 대한 piece에서 찾은건데, 어쩌다보니 연속된 문장 4개에서 나왔다 :)


    n. generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.

    n. money or gifts given generously

    The combination of warlords and American largesse, sanctified by Western-style elections, produced a state whose leaders' main objective was to get hold of as much foreign money as possible.



    n. practices, especially bribery, used to secure illicit gains in politics or business; corruption.

    Enriched by graft, the Afghan elite began spending weekends in the United Arab Emirates, where they gathered in posh villas on an island called Palm Jumeriah.



    adj. curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement

    American officials had a droll name for the phenomenon: vertically integrated criminal enterprise, or VICE.



    adj. showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery

    The Afghan state, venal and predatory, becane the main driver of Taliban recruitment.


    아래 단어들은 white-colloar crime에 대한 piece에서 나왔다.


    (or a person) plump

    He was in his early forties, garrulous and rotund, and he gloried in his capacity to consume.




    n. an absure pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.

    The brazen charade worked so well that the headliner [...] hosted the group backstage[...]



    adj. impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so.

    He was increasingly erratic and grandiose, betting wildly on dot-com stocks.



    v. pilfer or steal (especially a thing of small value) in a casual way

    In 2000, as his debts mounted, he started filching money from clients' escrow accounts.



    adj. (humorous) confused and disconcerted

    Before reporting to prison he advised them, mail yourself the phone numbers of family members and friends on the visitors' list, because "you'll e too discombobulated to remember them once you're inside."



    v. (same as Filch above) steal, typically things of relatively little value

    The first session attracted four attendees including a hedge-fund manager and a man who had pilfered from his child's youth-soccer club.



    n. the state of feeling remorseful and penitent

    Before the meeting, Grant had warned me not to expect universal contrition.



    n. the jaws or throat of a voracious animal

    informal) the mouth or gullet of a greedy person

    Caplan was one of America's most prominent lawyers, but he never paid much attention to complaints about the criminal-justice system until he was in the maw of it.



    n. the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend

    "What I saw is other people going through a system that's built for failure, built for recidivism."



    v. ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat

    He beseeches people to "get proximate" - to step outside the confines of their experience.


    다음은 costa rica의 medical system에 대한 piece에서 나왔다.


    나병, 문둥병, 한센병

    병 관련 definition은 그냥 한국말로 찾아보는게 제일 좋은 듯 :)

    "Thy had tuberculosis, they had leprosy, they had everything"




    The public-health units directed pregnant women to prenatal care and delivery in hospitals, where officials made sure that personnel were prepared to prevent and manage the most frequent dangers, such as maternal hemorrhage, newborn respiratory failure, and sepsis.


    다음 두 단어는 crossword puzzle에서 나왔다.


    n. a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another

    e.g. cinema - iceman, angered - enraged



    adj. (of a person) fiving their name to something

    "the eponymous hero of the novel" (햄릿이라던가, 김지영이라던가)


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