
  • Food Inc. (2008)
    Review of Everything 2021. 8. 19. 00:45


    본 날: 8/17/2021

    원래 잘 알려진 다큐멘터리여서 언젠간 봐야지라고 항상 생각하고 있었다.

    Brooklyn Bridge 관련 다큐멘터리가 유투브에 있나 검색하던 중, suggested video로 "free with ads" version이 나에게 추천되었다. 이날 회사일이 tedious, mindless analysis 여서 백그라운드 엔터테인먼트로 틀어놓고 보면서 일했다.


    예상했던대로 아주 grim, ridiculous, sad, and infuriating 했다.

    a handful도 안되는 작은 숫자의 대형기업이 모든 농업관련 산업을 장악하면서, 동물도 정말 불행하고 위생적으로 굉장히 열악한 환경에서 자라고, 농부들도 대형기업에게 잡아먹혀서 그들의 통제아래에 있지 않으면 살아남기 힘들어지고, E Coli나 mad cow disease같은 것들이 사람들을 병들게 하고 죽어가게 하고 있다. 그 외에도 보기 힘들고 말도 안되는 일들이 일어나고 있다.

    하아...한국말로 문장 만들기가 너무 힘드네. 영어로도 못하는데, 이제는 한국말로도 글을 못쓰겠는 사람이 되어가고있다 ㅠㅠ

    But I really like the call for action at the end. We, as individual consumers, feel like there is nothing we can do to stop the horrible things from happening. Of course I feel the same way. But individual consumers are in fact much stronger than we think - or that's what the documentary said at least. The documentary takes an example of Walmart selling organic foods. Walmart is simply reacting to the consumer's demand for them, not a genius strategic plan.

    It really made me want to shop at local farmer's markets and a local butcher shop that is within walking distance, also to buy more organic foods. My only problem, as always, is the high cost of such foods and stores. Organic foods are twice as expensive as non-organic foods, if not more. Same thing goes for plastic as well. Always, things in plastic packages are so much cheaper than those in glass bottles or recyclable materials. So I question - is it really worth it? does it really help environment and farmers substantially?

    But, I am so fortunate that I actually can buy organic and local foods without worrying about my finances. Spending extra a couple hundred bucks doesn't really make any difference. So I should really resist my frugal nature and try to buy local and organic foods as much as possible, even if it comes with reducing the consumption of meat and seafood (my ultimate favorite things in life...) :) Let's see how it goes!


브라운잉글리쉬와 함께하는 고급영어 공부 :)